Our People
Sal Pirri, General Manager
Sal has over 35 years experience in the produce business. His successes in entrepreneurial endeavours in the industry are a result of hard work and dedication, earning him an exceptional reputation as a respected trader. Sal has developed a strong customer base both at home and abroad. He is responsible for managing the office, facility and sales here at Bradford & District.
email: sal@bradfordproduce.com
Marzia Saccon, Office/Recievables
Marzia is responsible for the logistics of exports, invoicing and collections.
email: acctg@bradfordproduce.com
Debbie Beintema, Health & Safety Manager/HAACP Co-Ordinator
Debbie is a former provincial government agency inspector, she is responsible for the quality control program. Her many years of experience with vegetables assures our customers are receiving the highest quality package. Debbie has been an integral part of our Gold Rating Certification in third party audits since 2006. Her experience and diligence enables our facility to offer excellence in our industry.
email: debbie@bradfordproduce.com